Category Archives: My Thoughts With Photos

Balloons Over Havasu


Balloons are very cool, especially those big hot air balloons that you get to see this time of year in Lake Havasu City.  They are very photogenic, of course.  You cannot go far wrong just taking snapshots.  However, once in a while, if you wait for just the right time and the right light, you […]

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Painted By God


Don’t you just love sunsets? Here in Arizona, when there are clouds, the sunsets can be spectacular. Some times it seems like the sky is on fire. At other times the sunsets are more subtle and subdued, but almost every one of them are beautiful to me. It always feels good to come to the […]

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Desert Verbena


East of Parker, Arizona there are miles and miles of desert with just a few roads. The area appears to be desolate and dreary for the most part. The wind blows over the dry brush, raising clouds of dust. The sun beats down on everything, mercilessly driving the moisture away. Sooner or later just about […]

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